Invited Talk by Prof. Marc Erich Latoschik

Talk Marc Erich Latoschik

On Wednesday, July 8th, Professor Marc Erich Latoschik of the Chair of Human-Computer Interaction at the Julius-Maximilians-University of Würzburg will give a talk in the Dresden Talks on Interaction & Visualization.

The talk with the title Intelligent, Interactive, Multimodal – Techniques for Future Human-Computer Interfaces takes place in room APB 1004, starting at 1.15 pm. We look forward to this exciting research talk.

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We celebrate “20 years of Multimedia-Technology”

Many guests, students and faculty members came together on Friday, June 5th, to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Chair of Multimedia-Technology at the Faculty of Computer Science.
The celebrations were initiated by Prof. Meißner (Chair MMT) discussing the importance and challenges of multimedia technology in our current world. Afterwards, Prof. Dachselt (Chair MT) talked about the work of the Interactive Media Lab and the important connection of media and human-computer interacton.
Then followed three interesting research talks by invited speakers Prof. Dr. Frank Schönefeld (T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH), Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Nürnberger (Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg) und Prof. Dr. Susanne Boll (Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg). Finger food in the lounge allowed for discussions of the topic.

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Festveranstaltung “20 Jahre Multimediatechnik”, Gastvorträge

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Am Freitag, dem 5. Juni, findet zum Thema 20 Jahre Multimediatechnik an der Fakultät Informatik eine gemeinsame Festveranstaltung der Professur MMT und des Interactive Media Lab Dresden statt. Unter dem Titel “Perspektiven Multimedialer Technologien” wird ab 14:00 Uhr in einem Vortragsprogramm über vergangene Herausforderungen und zukünftige Perspektiven reflektiert. In diesem Rahmen freuen wir uns, drei spannende Gastvorträge ankündigen zu dürfen.

Prof. Dr. Frank Schönefeld von der T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH wird ab ca. 14:35 Uhr zum Thema Digitale Disruption durch multimediale Technologien - Industrielle Herausforderungen und Chancen referieren.

Gegen 15:45 Uhr begrüßen wir Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Nürnberger von der Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg zu seinem Vortrag Exploring and Organizing Multimedia Collections: Meta-Data and Adaptivity.

Schließlich wird Frau Prof. Dr. Susanne Boll von der Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg um 16:30 einen Vortrag zum Thema Multimedia trifft Mensch-Technik Interaktion halten.

Wir würden uns sehr über zahlreiche Teilnahme freuen. Das komplette Programm ist hier zu finden: Programm 20 Jahre MMT

Invited Talk by Prof. Dr. Gerik Scheuermann

On Friday, January 23rd, Professor Gerik Scheuermann of the Image and Signal Processing Group (Abteilung Bild- und Signalverarbeitung) at the University of Leipzig will start this year’s season of the Dresden Talks on Interaction & Visualization.

The talk about Topological and Feature Oriented Visualization of Simulations from Continuum Mechanics takes place in room APB E023, starting at 1 pm. We look forward to this exciting research talk.

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Two Invited Talks in November

We are happy to announce to exciting research talks in November. On Thursday, November 20th Dr. Sheelagh Carpendale and Dr. Miguel Nacenta are going to visit us. Starting 9.30 am, Dr. Carpendale is going to give a talk on Thinking about Interacting with Information in our Everyday Lives. Then, at 10.15 am, Dr. Nacenta is going to talk about Playing with perception, representation, and presentation: three ways to subvert current visualization techniques. Both research talks will take place in the lecture hall INF E023. Anyone interested is cordially invited!

EuroVis 2014 in Swansea, Wales

This year’s Eurographics Conference on Visulaization (EuroVis 2014) was located in Swansea, Wales. The focus of this conference is novel ideas for information visualization and scientific visualization. Ulrike Kister presented a state-of-the-art report on Interactive Lenses in Visualization together with our collaborators from Rostock in our project GEMS. In a 90-minute talk, they presented classification of magic lenses of different application areas. They especially focused on lenses for different data types and interaction tasks. Ulrike presented existing interaction modalities and display setups for the positioning and adjustment of magic lenses.

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Invited Talk with Prof. Otto Anshus

As part of our Dresden Talks on Interaction and Visualization series Prof. Otto Anshus (University of Tromsø, Norway) will give a scientific talk on Thursday, November 14th at 3:00 p.m. about his recent topic “MultiStage: Distributed Acting, Making The Remote Local“. He will focus on effective techniques for computer-mediated collaboration of actors at physically remote locations taking into account unavoidable network and processing delays. Everybody is welcome to attend this interesting talk.

Invited Talk Prof. Valentin Popov

June 4th, Prof. Dr. habil. phys. Valentin Popov of the  Technical University Riga held a talk about “Singer and Computer”. We thank Prof. Popov for the insight into this uncommon topic.

Invited Talk Prof. Robert Jacob, Ph.D.

Mai 17th, Prof. Robert Jacob, Ph.D. (Tufts University, Mass., USA) gave a talk on Reality-Based Interaction, Next Generation User Interfaces, and Brain-Computer Interfaces within the scope of the Dresden Talks on Interaction & Visualization. We thank Robert Jacob for the exciting talk, which proved popular with over 150 visitors. photo gallery (more info)